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NEDC works closely with a number of other economic development organizations. Below is a list of some of our partners:



Economic Development: The process of creating wealth through the mobilization of human, financial, capital, physical & natural resources to generate marketable goods and services.

Industrial Park: The assembly of land, under one continuing control, to provide facilities for business and industry consistent with a master plan and restrictions resulting in the creation of a physical environment achieving the following objectives:

  • Efficient business and industrial operations
  • Human scale and values
  • Compatibility with the natural environment
  • Achieving and sustaining the highest land values

Strategic Planning: The process by which a community or organization envisions its future and develops necessary procedures and actions to achieve that future.

Public/Private Partnership: A joint effort of elected and appointed officials, and community and business representatives working together on a community issue.

CERC: The Connecticut Economic Resource Center is a nonprofit company specializing in economic development and marketing for local, regional, state and utility economic development entities.

DECD: The Department of Economic and Community Development is the State of Connecticut agency with the responsibility of working with local and regional governments and the real estate community to assist Connecticut businesses to expand and to recruit new businesses to our State.

CEDAS: The Connecticut Economic Development Association is a nonprofit membership organization of economic development professionals that work together to advance the education, training and professionalism of the economic development profession in the State.

Municipality: A city, town or other district possessing corporate existence and usually its own local government.

Borough: A municipality smaller than a city and incorporated with distinctive privileges in the some U.S. states.